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metal head

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Arcturus Empty
PostSubject: Arcturus   Arcturus Icon_minitimeThu Jul 18, 2024 6:54 pm

Aspera Hiems Symfonia (1996)

Arcturus 1588

1. To Thou Who Dwellest In The Night (6:46)
2. Wintry Grey (4:34)
3. Whence & Whither Goest The Wind (5:15)
4. Raudt Og Svart (5:49)
5. The Bodkin & The Quietus (...To Reach The Stars) (4:36)
6. Du Nordavind (4:00)
7. Fall Of Man (6:06)
8. Naar Kulda Tar (Frostnettenes Prolog) (4:21)


La Masquerade Infernale (1997)

Arcturus 1589

1. Master Of Disguise (6:43)
2. Ad Astra (7:40)
3. The Chaos Path (5:33)
4. La Masquerade Infernale (1:59)
5. Alone (4:42)
6. The Throne Of Tragedy (6:34)
7. Painting My Horror (5:59)
8. Of Nails And Sinners (6:06)


The Sham Mirrors (2002)

Arcturus 1591

1. Kinetic (5:25)
2. Nightmare Heaven (6:05)
3. Ad Absurdum (6:48)
4. Collapse Generation (4:13)
5. Star-Crossed (5:01)
6. Radical Cut (5:08)
7. For To End Yet Again (10:33)


Sideshow Symphonies (2005)

Arcturus 3229

1. Hibernation Sickness Complete (5:02)
2. Shipwrecked Frontier Pioneer (8:32)
3. Deamon Painter (5:33)
4. Nocturnal Vision Revisited (5:16)
5. Evacuation Code Deciphered (6:16)
6. Moonshine Delirium (7:10)
7. White Noise Monster (3:55)
8. Reflections (3:40)
9. Hufsa (5:09)


Arcturian (2015)

Arcturus 81500

1. The Arcturian Sign (5:08)
2. Crashland (4:08)
3. Angst (4:26)
4. Warp (3:51)
5. Game Over (5:57)
6. Demon (3:27)
7. Pale (5:10)
8. The Journey (4:14)
9. Archer (5:36)
10. Bane (5:50)

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