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 Mercyful Fate

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metal head
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metal head

Posts : 1966
Join date : 2024-07-07

Mercyful Fate Empty
PostSubject: Mercyful Fate   Mercyful Fate Icon_minitimeThu Jul 18, 2024 7:19 pm

Melissa (1983)

Mercyful Fate 1544

1. Evil (4:45)
2. Curse of the Pharaohs (3:57)
3. Into the Coven (5:11)
4. At the Sound of the Demon Bell (5:23)
5. Black Funeral (2:50)
6. Satan's Fall (11:23)
7. Melissa (6:40)


Don't Break The Oath (1984)

Mercyful Fate 1545

1. A Dangerous Meeting (5:10)
2. Nightmare (6:19)
3. Desecration of Souls (4:54)
4. Night of the Unborn (4:59)
5. The Oath (7:31)
6. Gypsy (3:08)
7. Welcome Princes of Hell (4:03)
8. To One Far Away (1:31)
9. Come to the Sabbath (5:19)
10. Death Kiss (demo)* (4:30)


In The Shadows (1993)

Mercyful Fate 1548

1. Egypt (4:52)
2. The Bell Witch (4:35)
3. The Old Oak (8:54)
4. Shadows (4:43)
5. A Gruesome Time (4:32)
6. Thirteen Invitations (5:17)
7. Room of Golden Air (3:07)
8. Legend of the Headless Rider (7:43)
9. Is That You, Melissa (4:41)
10. Return of the Vampire... 1993 (5:08)


Time (1994)

Mercyful Fate 1549

1. Nightmare Be Thy Name (3:27)
2. Angel of Light (3:37)
3. Witches' Dance (4:47)
4. The Mad Arab (4:43)
5. My Demon (4:42)
6. Time (4:23)
7. The Preacher (3:29)
8. Lady in Black (3:50)
9. Mirror (3:19)
10. The Afterlife (4:32)
11. Castillo del Mortes (6:15)


Into The Unknown (1996)

Mercyful Fate 1550

1. Lucifer (1:29)
2. The Uninvited Guest (4:14)
3. The Ghost of Change (5:42)
4. Listen to the Bell (3:56)
5. Fifteen Men (And a Bottle of Rum) (5:05)
6. Into the Unknown (6:35)
7. Under the Spell (4:41)
8. Deadtime (3:16)
9. Holy Water (4:31)
10. Kutulu (The Mad Arab, Part Two) (5:18)


Dead Again (1998)

Mercyful Fate 1551

1. Torture (1629) (5:03)
2. The Night (5:51)
3. Since Forever (4:40)
4. The Lady Who Cries (4:18)
5. Banshee (4:47)
6. Mandrake (6:06)
7. Sucking Your Blood (4:22)
8. Dead Again (13:40)
9. Fear (4:17)
10. Crossroads (5:42)


9 (1999)

Mercyful Fate 1552

1. Last Rites (4:12)
2. Church of Saint Anne (4:44)
3. Sold My Soul (5:05)
4. House on the Hill (3:43)
5. Burn in Hell (3:49)
6. The Grave (4:10)
7. Insane (3:02)
8. Kiss the Demon (3:53)
9. Buried Alive (4:41)
10. 9 (4:32)

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