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metal head

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Join date : 2024-07-07

X-Wild Empty
PostSubject: X-Wild   X-Wild Icon_minitimeSat Jul 20, 2024 12:11 am

So What! (1994)

X-Wild 21180

1. Can't tame the wild (5:19)
2. Dealing with the devil (3:38)
3. Scarred to the bone (4:31)
4. Wild Frontier (5:05)
5. Sky bolter (3:18)
6. Beastmaster (5:01)
7. Kid racer (3:50)
8. Into the light (1:33)
9. Freeway devil (6:14)
10. Mystica daemonica (5:06)
11. Thousand guns (4:28)
12. Different, (so what) (3:43)


Monster Effect (1995)

X-Wild 21182

1. Wild Knight (5:41)
2. Souls of Sin (4:58)
3. Theatre of Blood (4:00)
4. Heads Held High (4:28)
5. Dr. Sardonicus (4:27)
6. Sinners Are Winners (4:24)
7. Monster Effect (5:30)
8. Serpents Kiss (3:02)
9. Sons of Darkness (6:25)
10. D.Y.T.W.A.C. (4:20)
11. King of Speed (1:54)


Savageland (1996)

X-Wild 21184

1. Savageland (Intro) (2:58)
2. Braveheart (6:07)
3. Savageland (4:38)
4. Born For War (6:39)
5. Murder In Thy Name (4:56)
6. Children Of The Underground (4:00)
7. Dragonslair (7:10)
8. Die Like A Man (4:24)
9. Field Of Blackbirds (5:10)
10. Clash Of The Titans (4:57)
11. Hunting The Damned (6:13)
12. Chaos Ends (4:28)

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