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Vader Empty
PostSubject: Vader   Vader Icon_minitimeSat Jul 20, 2024 5:43 am

Morbid Reich (1990 - Demo)

Vader 26

1. From Beyond (Intro) (00:59)
2. Chaos (04:23)
3. Vicious Circle (02:45)
4. Breath Of Centuries (03:17)
5. The Final Massacre (03:41)
6. Reign-Carrion (05:52)


Sothis (1994 - EP)

Vader 29

1. Hymn to the Ancient Ones (1:51)
2. Sothis (3:37)
3. De profundis (1:39)
4. Vision and the Voice (3:26)
5. The Wrath (4:53)
6. R'Lyeh (1:53)
7. Black Sabbath (6:24)


Reign Forever World (2001 - EP)

Vader 38

1. Reign Forever World (4:01)
2. Frozen Paths (2:13)
3. Privilege of the Gods (4:54)
4. Total Desaster (3:10)
5. Rapid Fire (3:20)
6. Freezing Moon (5:42)
7. Creatures of Light and Darkness (live) (3:10)
8. Carnal (live) (2:33)
9. Red Dunes (1:12)
10. Lord of Desert (2:00)


The Art Of War (2005 - EP)

Vader 4543

1. Para bellum (1:26)
2. This Is the War (2:49)
3. Lead Us!!! (3:16)
4. Banners on the Wind (0:49)
5. What Colour Is Your Blood? (3:58)
6. Death in Silence (2:12)


Lead Us!!! (2008 - EP)

Vader 19722

1. Lead Us!!! (3:19)
2. The Book (5:07)
3. Die!!! (Gin Psie) (2:55)
4. Raining Blood (3:38)


Tyrani Piekie [demo] (1986)

1. Wywiad Z Radia Olsztyn 1986
2. Tyrani Piekieі


Live In Decay [demo] (1988)

Vader 38314

1. Intro
2. Satans Wrath (Gniew Szatana)
3. Till Your Death! (Giс Psie!)
4. Deathlike Carrion (Trupi Jad)
5. Tyrants of Hell (Tyrani Piekieі)


Necrolust [demo] (1989)

Vader 10170

1. Decapitated Saints 03:34
2. Reborn in Flames 05:39
3. The Final Massacre 04:29
4. The Wrath 03:57


Kingdom [ep] (1998)

Vader 35

1. Creatures Of Light And Darkness
2. Breath Of Centuries
3. Kingdom
4. Anamnesis
5. Inhuman Disaster Mix
(inspired by "Heading For Internal Darkness")
6. Quicksilver Blood Mix
(inspired by "Carnal")


Blood [ep] (2003)

Vader 1398

01.Shape Shifting 4:49
02.We Bait 3:53
03.Son of Fire 2:11
04.Us the Fallen Rise 2:08
05.Traveller 2:05
06.When Darkness Calls 5:16
07.Angel Of Death (Thin Lizzy Cover) 6:29


The Upcoming Chaos [ep] (2008)

Vader 38316

01 Carnal 02:10
02 Incarnation 03:06
03 Crucified ones 03:18


Iron Times [ep] (2016)

Vader 88914

01. Parabellum 02:28
02. Prayer To The God Of War 02:47
03. Pięść I Stal (Panzer X Cover) 04:05
04. Overkill (Motörhead Cover) 04:17


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