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Alestorm  Empty
PostSubject: Alestorm    Alestorm  Icon_minitimeSat Jul 20, 2024 12:21 pm

Seventh Rum Of A Seventh Rum (2022)

Alestorm  142351

CD 1:
01. Magellan's Expedition 04:38
02. The Battle of Cape Fear River 03:06
03. Cannonball 03:57
04. P.A.R.T.Y. 03:23
05. Under Blackened Banners 04:39
06. Magyarország 03:58
07. Seventh Rum of a Seventh Rum 03:21
08. Bite the Hook Hand That Feeds 04:09
09. Return to Tortuga 03:54
10. Come to Brazil 02:09
11. Wooden Leg (Part III) 05:44
CD 2:
12. Magellan's Expedition (Acoustic Version) 04:38
13. The Battle of Cape Fear River (Acoustic Version) 03:06
14. Cannonball (Acoustic Version) 03:54
15. P.a.R.T.Y. (Acoustic Version) 03:19
16. Under Blackened Banners (Acoustic Version) 04:37
17. Magyarország (Acoustic Version) 03:51
18. Seventh Rum of a Seventh Rum (Acoustic Version) 03:19
19. Bite the Hook Hand That Feeds (Acoustic Version) 04:06
20. Return to Tortuga (Acoustic Version) 03:51
21. Come to Brazil (Acoustic Version) 02:07
22. Wooden Leg (Part III) (Acoustic Version) 05:49
CD 3:
23. Magellan's Expedition for Dogs 04:38
24. The Battle of Cape Fear River for Dogs 03:06
25. Cannonball for Dogs 03:57
26. P.A.R.T.Y. for Dogs 03:23
27. Under Blackened Banners for Dogs 04:39
28. Magyarország Kutyáknak (03:58
29. Seventh Rum of a Seventh Rum for Dogs 03:21
30. Bite the Hook Hand that Feeds for Dogs 04:09
31. Return to Tortuga for Dogs 03:54
32. Come to Brazil for Dogs 02:09
33. Wooden Leg (Part III) for Dogs 05:44


Captain Morgan's Revenge (2008)

Alestorm  21509

1. Over The Seas (3:55)
2. Captain Morgan's Revenge (6:42)
3. The Huntmaster (4:59)
4. Nancy The Tavern Wench (4:52)
5. Death Before The Mast (3:17)
6. Terror On The High Seas (3:51)
7. Set Sail And Conquer (4:38)
8. Of Treasure (2:58)
9. Wenches & Mead (3:42)
10. Flower Of Scotland (2:37)


Curse Of The Crystal Coconut (2020)

Alestorm  108900

1. Treasure Chest Party Quest 04:16
2. Fannybaws 04:14
3. Chomp Chomp 03:32
4. Tortuga 03:22
5. Zombies Ate My Pirate Ship 05:04
6. Call of the Waves 05:05
7. Pirate's Scorn 02:47
8. Shit Boat (No Fans) 01:14
9. Pirate Metal Drinking Crew 03:45
10. Wooden Leg Part 2 (The Woodening) 08:06
11. Henry Martin 02:29


Black Sails At Midnight (2009)

Alestorm  30267

01.The Quest 04:57
02.Leviathan 05:56
03.That Famous Ol Spiced 04:46
04.Keelhauled 03:42
05.To the End of Our Days 06:23
06.Black Sails at Midnight 03:31
07.No Quarter 03:02
08.Pirate Song 04:03
09.Chronicles of Vengeance 06:25
10.Wolves of the Sea 03:34


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