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 Orphaned Land

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PostSubject: Orphaned Land   Orphaned Land Icon_minitimeSat Jul 20, 2024 3:08 pm

Sahara (1994)

Orphaned Land 742

1. The Sahara's Storm (7:59)
2. Blessed Be Thy Hate (9:25)
3. Ornaments of Gold (7:08)
4. Aldiar Al Mukadisa (Holy Land of Israel) (2:56)
5. Seasons Unite (8:30)
6. The Beloved's Cry (4:32)
7. My Requiem (8:27)
8. Orphaned Land, the Storm Still Rages Inside (9:09)


El Norra Alila (1996)

Orphaned Land 727

1. Find Your Self, Discover God (6:15)
2. Like Fire to Water (4:46)
3. The Truth Within (4:33)
4. The Path Ahead (4:16)
5. A Neverending Way (2:05)
6. Takasim (1:13)
7. Thee by the Father I Pray (3:11)
8. Flawless Belief (6:46)
9. Joy (0:42)
10. Whisper My Name When You Dream (4:35)
11. Shir Hama'alot (5:02)
12. El Meod Na'ala (2:22)
13. Of Temptation Born (4:42)
14. The Evil Urge (16:06)
15. Shir Hashirim (1:58)


Mabool - The Story Of The Three Sons Of Seven (2004)

Orphaned Land 1705

1. Birth of the Three (The Unification) (6:57)
2. Ocean Land (The Revelation) (4:43)
3. The Kiss of Babylon (The Sins) (7:23)
4. A'salk (2:05)
5. Halo Dies (The Wrath of God) (7:29)
6. A Call to Awake (The Quest) (6:10)
7. Building the Ark (5:02)
8. Norra El Norra (Entering the Ark) (4:24)
9. The Calm Before the Flood (4:25)
10. Mabool (The Flood) (6:59)
11. The Storm Still Rages Inside (9:20)
12. Rainbow (The Resurrection) (3:01)


The Never Ending Way Of ORwarriOR (2010)

Orphaned Land 17554

1. Sapari (4:04)
2. From Broken Vessels (7:36)
3. Bereft in the Abyss (2:45)
4. The Path, Part 1: Treading Through Darkness (7:27)
5. The Path, Part 2: The Pilgrimage to Or Shalem (7:45)
6. Olat Hatamid (2:38)
7. The Warrior (7:11)
8. His Leaf Shall Not Wither (2:31)
9. Disciples of the Sacred Oath 2 (8:31)
10. New Jerusalem (6:59)
11. Vayehi Or (2:41)
12. M I ? (3:27)
13. Barakah (4:13)
14. Codeword: Uprising (5:25)
15. In Thy Never Ending Way (5:09)


All Is One (2013)

Orphaned Land 69768

1. All Is One
2. The Simple Man
3. Brother
4. Let The Truce Be Known
5. Through Fire And Water
6. Fail
7. Freedom
8. Shama'im
9. Ya Benaye
10. Our Own Messiah
11. Children


Kna'an (2016)

Orphaned Land 88883

1. The Holy Land of Kna'an (01:52)
2. The Angel of the Lord (03:34)
3. Naked - Sarah and Abraham (02:14)
4. The Burning Garden - Sarah and Hagar (03:34)
5. Naked - Abraham (04:40)
6. A Tree Without No Fruit - Sarah (02:35)
7. There Is No God for Ishma'el (03:14)
8. The Vision (02:26)
9. A Dove Without Her Wings - Hagar (01:41)
10. The Loneliness of Itzhak (01:03)
11. Akeda (04:48)
12. Fruits from Different Trees - Ishma'el and Itzhak (04:09)
13. Prisoners of the Past (02:36)

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