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metal head
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metal head

Posts : 1562
Join date : 2024-07-07

Novembre Empty
PostSubject: Novembre   Novembre Icon_minitimeSun 21 Jul 2024 - 6:05

Ursa (2016)

Novembre 86626

01. Australis 07:37
02. The Rose 05:29
03. Umana 05:49
04. Easter 05:02
05. Ursa 05:50
06. Oceans Of Afternoons 05:44
07. Annoluce 06:21
08. Agathae 09:23
09. Bremen 06:17
10. Fin 07:12


The Blue (2007)

Novembre 18755

1. Anaemia 04:34
2. Triesteitaliana 04:53
3. Cobalt of March 06:01
4. Bluecracy 06:06
5. Architheme 04:51
6. Nascence 04:33
7. Iridescence 05:12
8. Sound Odyssey 05:31
9. Cantus Christi 06:46
10. Zenith 07:09
11. Argentic 05:27
12. Deorbit 06:24


Materia (2006)

Novembre 4172

1. Verne 05:44
2. Memoria Stoica 06:00
3. Reason 07:30
4. Aquamarine 05:13
5. Jules 05:47
6. Geppetto 06:59
7. Comedia 06:55
8. Promise 05:33
9. Materia 05:41
10. Croma 06:25
11. Nothijngrad 06:08


Dreams D'azur (2002)

Novembre 888

1. The Dream Of The Old Boats
2. Novembre
3. Nottetempo
4. Let Me Hate
5. Sirens In Filth
6. Swim Seagull In The Sky
7. The Music
8. Marea
9. Old Lighthouse Tale
10. The White Eyed
11. Neanderthal Sands
12. Christal


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