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Profanatica Empty
PostSubject: Profanatica   Profanatica Icon_minitimeTue Jul 09, 2024 6:14 am

Profanatica - Crux Simplex (2023)

Profanatica 1150204

1. Condemned to Unholy Death 04:38
2. Take Up the Cross 03:01
3. The First Fall 03:24
4. Meeting of a Whore 03:02
5. Compelled by Romans 04:47
6. Wipe the Fucking Face of Jesus 02:20
7. The Second Fall 02:40
8. Cunts of Jerusalem 03:35
9. The Third Fall 04:18
10. Division of Robes 06:51


Profanatica - Rotting Incarnation Of God (2019)

Profanatica 791056

01. Liturgy of Impurity 03:38
02. Prayer in Eclipse 02:37
03. Broken Jew 03:08
04. Washed in the Blood of Lord 03:49
05. Sacramental Cum 06:12
06. Mocked, Scourged and Shit Upon 03:17
07. Tithing Cunt 03:03
08. Rotting Incarnation of God 04:21
09. Eucharist in Ruin 02:51
10. In My Kingdom 04:32


Profanatica - The Curling Flame Of Blasphemy (2016)

Profanatica 580424

1. Ordained in Bile 05:33
2. March to Golgotha 01:58
3. Magic & Muhr 04:58
4. Black Hymna 02:45
5. Host over Cup 03:35
6. Rotten Scriptures 03:35
7. Yahweh Rejected 02:48
8. Bleed Heavenly Kingdom 03:40
9. Vile Blessing 00:35
10. Curling Flame 06:52


Profanatica - Disgusting Blasphemies Against God (2010)

Profanatica 277677

01 - Black Cum
02 - Pious Piece of Shit
03 - Christs Precious Blood Poisoned
04 - Smashing Religious Fucking Statues
05 - Fuck the Blood of the Lamb
06 - Covered in Black Shit
07 - No Trumpet Shall Sound
08 - Crush all that is Holy Defile
09 - Excrement Sacrosanct
10 - Angel with Cock
11 - Once Removed Savior (Disease Infested Cunts of Dead Nuns) (Vinyl Bonus)


Profanatica - Profanatitas De Domonatia (2007)

Profanatica 150467

1. Master of Man Absolute 04:30
2. Unto Us He Is Born 03:46
3. Mocked, Scourged and Spit Upon 03:48
4. Scourging and Crowning 03:27
5. God Dethroned in Heaven 04:40
6. Cursed Nazarene Whore 04:20
7. Palid Savior 01:52
8. Profanation of the Gods 03:42
9. Them That Dwell in Heaven 03:05
10. Betrayal of the Lamb 06:04

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