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metal head

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Empyrium Empty
PostSubject: Empyrium   Empyrium Icon_minitimeMon Jul 22, 2024 2:29 am

Über Den Sternen (2021)

Empyrium 123521

1. The Three Flames Sapphire 08:33
2. A Lucid Tower Beckons on the Hills Afar 06:23
3. The Oaken Throne 07:28
4. Moonrise 04:58
5. The Archer 04:24
6. The Wild Swans 07:34
7. In the Morning Mist 02:42
8. Über den Sternen 10:30


The Turn Of The Tides (2014)

Empyrium 76888

01. Saviour 06:32
02. Dead Winter Ways 05:27
03. In The Gutter Of This Spring 07:00
04. The Days Before The Fall 05:38
05. We Are Alone 03:16
06. With The Current Into Grey 07:32
07. The Turn Of The Tides 08:04


Where At Night The Wood Grouse Plays (1999)

Empyrium 21291

01-Where At Night The Wood Grouse Plays (5:34)
02-Dying Broken Hearted (5:38)
03-The Shepherd And The Maiden Ghost (3:26)
04-The Sad Song Of The Wind (2:56)
05-Wehmut (3:03)
06-A Pastoral Theme (1:59)
07-Abendrot (2:10)
08-Many Moons Ago (4:24)
09-When Shadows Grow Longer '99 (3:14)


Songs Of Moors & Misty Fields (1997)

Empyrium 21290

1. When Shadows Grow Longer
2. The Blue Mists Of Night
3. Mourners
4. Ode To Melancholy
5. Lover`s Grief
6. The Ensemble Of Silence


Songs Of Moors & Misty Fields (1997)

Empyrium 21290

1. When Shadows Grow Longer
2. The Blue Mists Of Night
3. Mourners
4. Ode To Melancholy
5. Lover`s Grief
6. The Ensemble Of Silence


A Wintersunset... (1996)

Empyrium 21289

1. Moonromanticism
2. Under Dreamskies
3. The Franconian Woods In Winter`s Silence
4. The Yearning
5. Autumn Grey Views
6. Ordain'd To Thee
7. A Gentle Grieving Farewell Kiss


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