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Eluveitie Empty
PostSubject: Eluveitie   Eluveitie Icon_minitimeMon Jul 22, 2024 3:47 am

Ategnatos (2019)

Eluveitie 96861

01. Ategnatos 04:53
02. Ancus 00:12
03. Deathwalker 04:54
04. Black Water Down 04:18
05. A Cry in the Wilderness 05:25
06. The Raven Hill 04:12
07. The Silvern Glow 01:10
08. Ambiramus 02:53
09. Mine Is the Fury 03:34
10. The Slumber 04:57
11. Worship 05:35
12. Trinoxtion 01:18
13. Threefold Death 03:31
14. Breathe 05:28
15. Rebirth 04:58
16. Eclipse 03:01


Evocation II: Pantheon (2017)

Eluveitie 91961

1. Dureððu 01:23
2. Epona 03:47
3. Svcellos II (Sequel) 01:28
4. Nantosvelta 02:45
5. Tovtatis 01:05
6. Lvgvs 04:16
7. Grannos 03:23
8. Cernvnnos 02:54
9. Catvrix 02:44
10. Artio 05:11
11. Aventia 03:30
12. Ogmios 03:13
13. Esvs 03:48
14. Antvmnos 03:43
15. Tarvos II (Sequel) 02:43
16. Belenos 03:09
17. Taranis 02:41
18. Nemeton 01:23


Helvetios (2012)

Eluveitie 55664

1. Prologue 01:25
2. Helvetios 04:01
3. Luxtos 03:55
4. Home 05:17
5. Santonian Shores 03:58
6. Scorched Earth 04:18
7. Meet the Enemy 03:46
8. Neverland 03:43
9. A Rose For Epona 04:26
10. Havoc 04:05
11. The Uprising 03:42
12. Hope 02:27
13. The Siege 02:45
14. Alesia 03:58
15. Tullianum 00:24
16. Uxellodunon 03:52
17. Epilogue 03:14


Everything Remains As It Never Was (2010)

Eluveitie 19349

01. Otherworld (1:57)
02. Everything Remains as it Never Was (4:25)
03. Thousandfold (3:20)
04. Nil (3:43)
05. The Essence of Ashes (4:00)
06. Isara (2:44)
07. Kingdom Come Undone (3:22)
08. Quoth the Raven (4:42)
09. (Do)Minion (5:08)
10. Setlon (2:37)
11. Sempiternal Embers (4:52)
12. Lugdūnon (4:01)
13. The Liminal Passage (2:16)
14. The Otherworld Set (LE Bonus Track) (2:34)
15. The Liminal Passage Set (LE Bonus Track) (2:49)


Evocation I: The Arcane Dominion (2009)

Eluveitie 19348

1. Sacrapos - At First Glance 02:00
2. Brictom 04:22
3. The Arcane Dominion 05:42
4. A Girls Oath 01:17
5. Within the Grove 01:52
6. The Cauldron of Renascence 02:03
7. Nata 04:03
8. Omnos 03:48
9. Carnutian Forest 03:16
10. Dessumiis Luge 03:29
11. Gobanno 03:14
12. Voveso in Mori 04:09
13. Memento 03:20
14. Ne Regv Na 05:07
15. Sacrapos - The Disparaging Last Gaze 02:42


Spirit (2006)

Eluveitie 15197

1. Spirit 02:32
2. Uis Elveti 04:24
3. Your Gaulish War 05:11
4. Of Fire, Wind & Wisdom 03:05
5. Aidы 03:10
6. The Song Of Life 04:01
7. Tegernako 06:42
8. Siraxta 05:39
9. The Dance Of Victory 05:24
10. The Endless Knot 06:58
11. AnDro 03:41


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