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Melechesh Empty
PostSubject: Melechesh   Melechesh Icon_minitimeMon Jul 22, 2024 5:20 am

Enki (2015)

Melechesh 79786

1. Tempest Temper Enlil Enraged 06:32
2. The Pendulum Speaks 04:18
3. Lost Tribes 06:17
4. Multiple Truths 05:07
5. Enki - Divine Nature Awoken 08:38
6. Metatron and Man 06:32
7. The Palm the Eye and Lapis Lazuli 04:08
8. Doorways to Irkala 08:00 instrumental
9. The Outsiders 12:48


The Epigenesis (2010)

Melechesh 31718

1. Ghouls Of Nineveh 06:44
2. Grand Gathas Of Baal Sin 05:54
3. Sacred Geometry 05:29
4. The Magickan And The Drones 07:17
5. Mystics Of The Pillar 08:28
6. When Halos Of Candles Collide 05:38
7. Defeating the Giants 03:24
8. Illumination - The Face Of Shamash 05:33
9. Negative Theology 03:47
10. The Greater Chain Of Being 06:53
11. The Epigenesis 12:17


Emissaries (2006)

Melechesh 4571

1. Rebirth of the Nemesis
2. Ladders to Sumeria
3. Deluge of Delusional Dreams
4. Touching the Spheres of Sephiroth
5. Gyroscope
6. Double Helixed Sceptre
7. The Scribes of Kur
8. Leper Jerusalem
9. Sand Grain Universe
10. Emissaries and the Mysterium Magnum
11. Unnamed


Sphynx (2003)

Melechesh 1131

01. Of Mercury and Mercury
02. Secrets of Sumerian Sphynxology
03. Annunaki’s Golden Thrones
04. Apkallu Counsel
05. Tablets of Fate
06. Triangular Tattvic Fire
07. The Arrival Ritual (instrumental)
08. Incendium between Mirage and Time
09. Purifier of the Stars
10. Caravans to Ur (instrumental)


Djinn (2001)

Melechesh 1130

1. Whispers from the Tower 01:05
2. Genies, Sorcerers and Mesopotamian Nights 06:31
3. A Summoning of Ifrit and Genii 07:39
4. Wardjinn 05:12
5. Rub the Lantern 08:54
6. Covering the Sun 06:38
7. Kurnugi's Reign 05:42
8. Oasis of Molten Gold 04:01
9. Dragon's Legacy 05:36
10. The Siege of Lachish 11:08


As Jerusalem Burns...al'intisar (1996)

Melechesh 1128

2.Sultan Of Mischief
3.Assyrian Spirit
4.Planetary Rites
5.Hymn To Gibil
6.The Sorcerers Of Melechesh
7.Dance Of The Black Genii
8.Baphomet's Lust
9.Devil's Night
10.As Jerusalem Burns...Al'Intisar
11.Malek al'Nar [Live in Jerusalem'96]


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