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metal head
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metal head

Posts : 1559
Join date : 2024-07-07

Elffor Empty
PostSubject: Elffor   Elffor Icon_minitimeMon Jul 22, 2024 9:05 am

The Crescent Moon Palace (2024)

Elffor 175102-Elffor-The-Crescent-Moon-Palace

1.An Underworld Among Stars 11:46
2.Ilargien Sorginpean 07:47
3.Old Forgotten Gods 14:10
4.Wraiths Take Flight 10:26


The Black Sentinel (2023)

Elffor 159360

1.Through Labyrinthine Woods 11:36
2.Above the Northern Mist 08:34
3.The Black Sentinel 10:59
4.Grave Path 20:29


Arkaik III (2022)

Elffor 159362

1.The Gate to Infinite Darkness 08:19
2.Impious Battle Cries 08:03
3.The Lost Spell 05:12
4.Beast of Gloom 08:28
5.Black Thorns 05:40
6.Ice King 06:37
7.Kthulhut 07:29


Unholy Throne Of Doom (2020)

Elffor 111680

01. March Of The Dead Souls 12:58
02. Basoaren Marmarrak 10:17
03. Old Wizards Cavern 11:32
04. Kaosaren Profezia 11:19


Impious Battlefields (2018)

Elffor 104364

1. Chants Between the Funeral Mists 12:44
2. When the Shadows Lengthen... 11:08
3. Old Uncharted Kingdom 14:00
4. Impious Battlefields 10:25


Dra Sad III (Beneath The Uplands Of Doom) (2019)

Elffor 104365

1. The Song Of The Ancient Wisdom 15:08
2. Monarch Of The Shadows 10:47
3. Old Cryptic Howls 12:19
4. Heralds Of Cruelty 08:41


Unblessed Woods (2006)

Elffor 52310

1. Unblessed Woods (09:55)
2. Through The Myst (07:51)
3. Of Heretic Pagan Kingdom (03:37)
4. Winter, Fullmoon, Sorrow... (06:08)
5. Dark Orchestral Hate (08:10)
6. ...From Ancient Scrypts (05:51)
7. Gorgorium Goth (07:49)
8. The Forgotten Dying Moon (05:58)


From The Throne Of Hate (2004)

Elffor 52308

1. Old 07:40
2. Rare Woods 05:54
3. My Hatefull End 05:01
4. Echoes Of The Past 04:10
5. Upon The Barbarian Woods 05:39
6. Grimmest Winternights 07:33
7. The Essence Of Hate 04:32
8. Wicked Shadows 05:10


Son Of The Shades [re-released] (2008)

Elffor 52307

1.Intro 05:08
2.Son of the Shades 05:12
3....Of Wolves&Blood 06:23
4.Infernal Woods 06:12
5.Ravensong 04:20
6.The Nocturnal Moon 07:11
7.Long Winter Days 04:18
8.Unholy Gleam 05:47
9.Hidden in the Nebular Landscapes (bonus) 05:57
10.Endless Dark Flames (bonus) 09:13


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metal head
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metal head

Posts : 1559
Join date : 2024-07-07

Elffor Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elffor   Elffor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 02, 2024 12:47 pm

Frostbitten Pain 2010

Elffor 26084_elffor_frostbitten_pain

01. A Cold Funereal Breeze
02. Instinct's Enslavement
03. Ancestral Spirit
04. Chaos Moon
05. Icewind


Heriotz Sustraiak 2012

Elffor 63176_elffor_heriotz_sustraiak

1. Barrumbe Beltza
2. Hildakoen Basoetan
3. Heriotz Sustraiak
4. Kateek Loturik
Bonus Tracks:
5. Zhenon Basotik Haratago


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