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 Opera IX

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Opera IX Empty
PostSubject: Opera IX   Opera IX Icon_minitimeMon Jul 22, 2024 9:37 am

The Gospel (2018)

Opera IX 95465

1. The Gospel 06:16
2. Chapter II 06:40
3. Chapter III 07:00
4. Moon Goddess 06:14
5. House of the Wind 06:23
6. The Invocation 06:05
7. Queen of the Serpents 04:07
8. Cimaruta 05:31
9. Sacrilego 05:53


Back To Sepulcro (2015)

Opera IX 93862-opera-ix-back-to-sepulcro

1. Sepulcro 15:20
2. The Oak 07:51
3. Act I, The First Seal 09:40
4. Maleventum 05:56
5. Consacration 04:48
6. The Cross (Outro) 04:10


Strix - Maledictae In Aeternum (2012)

Opera IX 54296

1. Strix the Prologue (Intro) 02:39
2. 1313 (Eradicate the False Idols) 06:39
3. Dead Tree Ballad 05:42
4. Vox in Rama (part 1) 03:40
5. Vox in Rama (part 2) 05:12
6. Mandragora 06:19
7. Eyes in the Well 06:18
8. Earth and Fire 07:58
9. Ecate -The Ritual (intro) 03:29
10. Ecate 06:04
11. Nemus Tempora Maleficarum 06:29
12. Historia Nocturna 08:38


Anphisbena (2004)

Opera IX 2989

1. Intro -Many Moons Ago
2. The Serpent's Nemeton
3. The Prophecy
4. In Hoc Signo Sanguinis
5. Immortal Chant
6. Scell Lem Duibh
7. In The Sixth Tower
8. Battle Cry
9. Anphisbena
10. One Rode To Asa Bay (Bathory cover)


Maleventum (2002)

Opera IX 2988

1. Malventum
2. Princess Of The Ancient
3. Unearthed Arcana
4. In The Dark I Found The Reflection Of The Hidden Mirrors
5. Muscaria
6. Forgotten Gods
7. In The Raven's Eyes


The Black Opera (2000)

Opera IX 3816

1. Act I: The First Seal 09:39
2. Act II: Beyond the Black Diamond Gates 07:14
3. Act III: Carnal Delight in the Vortex of Evil 06:13
4. Act IV: Congressus Cum Daemone 10:24
5. Act V: The Magic Temple 04:16
6. Act VI: The Sixth Seal 07:50
7. Bela Lugosi's Dead (Bauhaus cover) 05:28


Sacro Culto (1998)

Opera IX 2987

1. The Oak 10:40
2. Fronds Of The Ancient Walnut 12:25
3. The Naked And The Dance 08:20
4. Cimmeries 12:42
5. My Devotion 14:59
6. Under The Sign Of The Red Dragon 11:18


The Call Of The Wood (1995)

Opera IX 4353

01.Alone In The Dark
02.Esteban's Promise
03.The Call Of The Wood
04.Al Azif
06.Born In The Grave
07.Thymes About Dying Stones


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