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metal head
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metal head

Posts : 1562
Join date : 2024-07-07

PostSubject: ASSÜCK   ASSÜCK Icon_minitimeMon Jul 22, 2024 10:04 pm

Misery Index 1997

ASSÜCK Assuck-misery-index-20130423145342

1. Qed (0:36)
2. Salt Mine (1:09)
3. Corners (0:54)
4. Dataclast (0:53)
5. Blight of Element (0:53)
6. Talon of Domination (0:53)
7. Unrequited Blood (1:15)
8. Wartorn (1:43)
9. Sum and Substance (0:49)
10. Riven (0:57)
11. Reversing Denial (0:55)
12. Lithographs (0:58)
13. Intravenous (0:52)
14. A Monument to Failure (1:00)
15. In Absense (1:31)


Anticapital 1991

ASSÜCK Assuck-anticapital-20130423144649

1. Socialized Crucifixion (1:18)
2. The Thousand Mile Stare (0:42)
3. Population Index (1:11)
4. Dogmatic (0:38)
5. Spiritual Manipulation (0:49)
6. Feasts Of War (0:08)
7. October Revolution (1:21)
8. Procession (0:39)
9. State To State (0:55)
10. The Perpetual Cycle (1:16)
11. World Of Confusion (0:45)
12. Civilization Comes, Civilization Goes (0:52)
13. Page By Page (1:15)
14. Sterility (0:40)
15. Body Politic Equation (1:13)
16. Anticapital (0:38)
17. Epilogue (0:58)


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