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 Ancient Rites

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PostSubject: Ancient Rites   Ancient Rites Icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2024 11:17 pm

Laguz (2015)

Ancient Rites 80736

1. Golden Path to Samarkand 01:47
2. Carthago Delenda Est 05:27
3. Under the Sign of Laguz 05:15
4. Von Gott entfernt (Bij nacht en ontij) 04:55
5. Apostata (Imperator Fidelis) 06:05
6. Legio V Alaudae (Fifth Larks Legion) 05:04
7. Mind Unconquered 04:11
8. Umbra Sumus (We Are Shadows) 05:57
9. Frankenland 04:13
10. Fatum (Ill Fate/Noodlot) 02:44


Rvbicon (2006)

Ancient Rites 4942

1. Crvsade 01:45
2. Templar 05:35
3. Mithras 04:12
4. Thermopylae 04:31
5. Rvbicon 04:56
6. Invictvs 04:56
7. Ypres 06:05
8. Galilean 04:03
9. Chervscan 04:02
10. Brabantia 05:51


Dim Carcosa (2001)

Ancient Rites 128

1. The Return 03:05
2. Exile (Les litanies de Satan) 03:44
3. Victory or Valhalla (Last Man Standing) 04:17
4. ...and the Horns Called for War 04:15
5. North Sea 06:30
6. Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods) 04:30
7. (Ode to Ancient) Europa 04:15
8. Remembrance 01:59
9. Lindisfarne (Anno 793) 05:01
10. On Golden Fields (De leeuwen dansen) 05:37
11. Dim Carcosa 03:14


Fatherland (1998)

Ancient Rites 126

1. Avondland 01:25
2. Mother Europe 04:39
3. Aris 05:31
4. Fatherland 07:08
5. Season's Change (Solstice) 05:35
6. 13th of October 1307 03:20
7. Dying in a Moment of Splendour 07:17
8. Rise and Fall (Anno Satana) 04:58
9. The Seducer 03:57
10. Cain 02:09


Blasfemia Eternal (1996)

Ancient Rites 125

1. Blasfemia Eternal 00:30
2. Total Misanthropia 04:19
3. Garden of Delights (EVA) 04:03
4. Quest for Blood (Le Vampire) 03:47
5. Blood of Christ (Mohammed Wept) 03:59
6. Epebos Aionia 03:51
7. (Het verdronken land van) Saeftinge 04:49
8. Shades of Eternal Battlefields (Our Empire Fell) 04:12
9. Vae Victis 04:06
10. Fallen Angel 02:23


The Diabolic Serenades (1994)

Ancient Rites 124

1. (Intro) Infant Sacrifices to Baalberith 01:16
2. Crucifixion Justified (Roman Supremacy) 03:55
3. Satanic Rejoice 03:56
4. Obscurity Reigns (Fields of Flanders) 02:29
5. Death Messiah 02:38
6. Land of Frost & Despair 04:45
7. Assyrian Empire 03:34
8. Longing for the Ancient Kingdom 03:46
9. Morbid Glory (Gilles de Rais 1404-1440) 03:36
10. Ritual Slayings (Goat Worship Pure) 03:53
11. Evil Prevails 04:28
12. Last Rites / Echoes of Melancholy (Outro) 00:33


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