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 Carach Angren

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metal head
Super Moderator
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metal head

Posts : 1220
Join date : 2024-07-07

Carach Angren  Empty
PostSubject: Carach Angren    Carach Angren  Icon_minitimeWed Jul 31, 2024 10:40 am

Franckensteina Strataemontanus (2020)

Carach Angren  108407

1. Here in German Woodland 01:35
2. Scourged Ghoul Undead 05:38
3. Franckensteina Strataemontanus 03:03
4. The Necromancer 04:08
5. Sewn for Solitude 03:52
6. Operation Compass 06:00
7. Monster 03:33
8. Der Vampir von Nürnberg 06:00
9. Skull with a Forked Tongue 05:56
10. Like a Conscious Parasite I Roam 08:16
11. Frederick's Experiments 02:40


Where The Corpses Sink Forever (2012)

Carach Angren  56545

1. An Ominous Recording 01:58
2. Lingering In an Imprint Haunting 05:17
3. Bitte Tötet Mich 05:03
4. The Funerary Dirge of a Violinist 08:04
5. Sir John 04:27
6. Spectral Infantry Battalions 02:04
7. General Nightmare 04:19
8. Little Hector What Have You Done? 04:55
9. These Fields are Lurking (Seven Pairs of Demon Eyes) 07:15


Death Came Through A Phantom Ship (2010)

Carach Angren  33474

1. Electronic voice phenomena 00:57
2. The sighting is a portent of doom 04:19
3. And the consequence macabre 06:43
4. Van der Decken's triumph 05:15
5. Bloodstains on the captain's log 05:50
6. Al betekent het mijn dood 01:06
7. Departure towards a nautical curse 05:31
8. The course of a spectral ship 05:07
9. The shining was a portent of gloom 08:49


Lammendam (2008)

Carach Angren  33456

01 Het Spook van de Leiffartshof (Intro) 01:28
02 A Strange Presence Near the Woods 04:14
03 Haunting Echoes From the Seventeenth Century 05:06
04 Hexed Melting Flesh (Bridge) 06:55
05 Phobic Shadows and Moonlit Meadows 02:07
06 The Carriage Wheel Murder 03:40
07 Corpse in a Nebulous Creek 05:24
08 Invisible Physic Entity (Bridge) 01:21
09 Heretic Poltergeist Phenomena 04:09
10 Malediction de la Madame Blanche 07:08


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