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 Seven Spires

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metal head
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metal head

Posts : 1949
Join date : 2024-07-07

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PostSubject: Seven Spires    Seven Spires  Icon_minitimeTue Jul 09, 2024 11:27 am

Seven Spires - A Fortress Called Home (2024)

Seven Spires  1221262

1. A Fortress Called Home 01:54
2. Songs upon Wine-Stained Tongues 07:46
3. Almosttown 05:02
4. Impossible Tower 06:14
5. Love's Souvenir 06:49
6. Architect of Creation 05:32
7. Portrait of Us 04:46
8. Emerald Necklace 03:49
9. Where Sorrows Bear My Name 05:44
10. No Place for Us 04:56
11. House of Lies 04:43
12. The Old Hurt of Being Left Behind 06:50

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Posts : 1810
Join date : 2024-07-07

Seven Spires  Empty
PostSubject: Seven Spires   Seven Spires  Icon_minitimeWed Jul 10, 2024 5:10 pm

A Fortress Called Home (2024)

Seven Spires  17192110
1. A Fortress Called Home (1:54)
2. Songs upon Wine-Stained Tongues (7:46)
3. Almosttown (5:02)
4. Impossible Tower (6:14)
5. Love's Souvenir (6:49)
6. Architect of Creation (5:32)
7. Portrait of Us (4:46)
8. Emerald Necklace (3:49)
9. Where Sorrows Bear My Name (5:44)
10. No Place for Us (4:56)
11. House of Lies (4:43)
12. The Old Hurt of Being Left Behind (6:50)

Gods Of Debauchery (2021)

Seven Spires  16974210
1. Wanderer’s Prayer (1:42)
2. Gods of Debauchery (6:46)
3. The Cursed Muse (4:19)
4. Ghost of Yesterday (3:53)
5. Lightbringer (3:03)
6. Echoes of Eternity (5:13)
7. Shadow on an Endless Sea (5:10)
8. Dare to Live (4:44)
9. In Sickness, in Health (4:21)
10. This God Is Dead (10:37)
11. Oceans of Time (4:19)
12. The Unforgotten Name (5:26)
13. Gods Amongst Men (4:10)
14. Dreamchaser (5:40)
15. Through Lifetimes (4:13)
16. Fall with Me (4:00)

Emerald Seas (2020)

Seven Spires  16264910
1. Igne Defendit (1:59)
2. Ghost of a Dream (3:41)
3. No Words Exchanged (3:28)
4. Every Crest (3:57)
5. Unmapped Darkness (4:32)
6. Succumb (3:54)
7. Drowner of Worlds (5:06)
8. Silvery Moon (3:10)
9. Bury You (3:57)
10. Fearless (5:15)
11. With Love from the Other Side (1:33)
12. The Trouble with Eternal Life (4:39)
13. Emerald Seas Overture (3:52)

Solveig (2017)

Seven Spires  16264911
1. The Siren (1:51)
2. Encounter (3:51)
3. The Siren (Reprise) (0:27)
4. The Cabaret of Dreams (4:27)
5. Choices (4:45)
6. Closure (5:47)
7. 100 Days (3:28)
8. Stay (4:32)
9. The Paradox (5:01)
10. Serenity (4:36)
11. Depths (4:17)
12. Distant Lights (4:56)
13. Burn (8:20)
14. Ashes (4:45)
15. Reflections (3:10)
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