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metal head
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metal head

Posts : 1862
Join date : 2024-07-07

PostSubject: BENEDICTUM   BENEDICTUM Icon_minitimeSat Aug 10, 2024 2:25 am

Obey (2013)

BENEDICTUM 71458_benedictum_obey

01. Dream Of The Banshee 00:58
02. Fractured 03:58
03. Obey 04:51
04. Fighting For My Life 02:59
05. Scream 04:08
06. Evil That We Do 03:51
07. Crossing Over 06:02
08. Cry 04:06
09. Thornz 04:23
10. Die To Love You 03:40
11. Apex Nation 03:38
12. Retrograde 07:00


Dominion (2011)

BENEDICTUM 35319_benedictum_dominion

1. Dominion 04:18
2. At the Gates 04:00
3. Seer 04:34
4. Grind It 02:44
5. Prodigal Son 04:55
6. The Shadowlands 04:56
7. Beautiful Pain 01:30
8. Dark Heart 04:00
9. Bang 04:31
10. Loud Silence 05:08
11. Epsilon 08:54
12. Sanctuary (Bonus Track) 05:08
13. Overture/The Temples of Syrinx (Bonus Track) 08:22


Seasons Of Tragedy (2008)

BENEDICTUM 17518_benedictum_seasons_of_tragedy

1. Dawn of Seasons 01:26
2. Shell Shock 04:25
3. Burn It Out 03:32
4. Bare Bones 05:12
5. Within the Solace 04:22
6. Beast in the Field 06:37
7. Legacy 05:35
8. Nobodies Victim 04:45
9. Balls to the Wall (Accept cover) 05:45
10. Steel Rain 05:46
11. Seasons of Tragedy 11:38


Uncreation (2006)

BENEDICTUM 17517_benedictum_uncreation

1. Uncreation
2. Benedictum
3. #4
4. Misogyny
5. Ashes to Ashes
6. Wicca
7. Heaven and Hell (Black Sabbath Cover)
8. Them
9. Two Steps to the Sun
10. Valkyrie Rising
11. The Mob Rules (Black Sabbath Cover)
13. Rainbow in the Dark (DIO cover)


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