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 Karma to Burn

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Posts : 1476
Join date : 2024-07-07

Karma to Burn Empty
PostSubject: Karma to Burn   Karma to Burn Icon_minitimeThu Aug 15, 2024 4:23 am

1997 - Karma to Burn
Karma to Burn 27662
01. Ma Petite Mort
02. Bobbi Bobbi Bobbi - I'm Not God
03. Patty Hearst's Closet Mantra
04. Mt. Penetrator
05. Eight
06. Appalachian Woman
07. 24 Hours
08. Sixgun Sucker Punch
09. Thirteen
10. (Waltz Of The) Playboy Pallbearers
11. Twin Sisters & Half A Bottle Of Bourbon
12. Six

1999 - Wild Wonderful Purgatory
Karma to Burn 27663
01. Twenty
02. Twenty Eight
03. Thirty
04. Thirty One
05. Twenty Nine
06. Thirty Two
07. Twenty Five
08. Twenty Six
09. One
10. Three
11. Seven
12. Eight

2001 - Almost Heathen- Limited Edition 2008
Karma to Burn 27664
1. Nineteen 04:01
2. Thirty Eight 05:50
3. Thirty Four 04:12
4. Thirty Seven 05:19
5. Thirty Nine 05:34
6. Thirty Six 04:28
7. Thirty Three 04:50
8. Thirty Five 05:14
9. Five 04:50
10. Forty 03:39
11. One (Live) 04:08
12. Three (Live) 03:55
13. Twenty Two (Live) 05:27
14. Seven (Live) 03:01
15. Eight (Live) 04:04
16. Six (Live) 04:16

2010 - Appalachian Incantation
Karma to Burn 40039
01. Forty-Four
02. Forty-Two
03. Forty-One
04. Forty-Six
05. Waiting On The Western World
06. Forty-Three
07. Forty-Five
08. Twenty-Four

2011 - V
Karma to Burn 53540
01. Forty Seven
02. Fiffty
03. Forty Eight
04. The Cynic
05. Forty Nine
06. Fifty One
07. Jimmy D
08. Never Say Die

2012 - Slight Reprise
Karma to Burn Karma-10
1. Ten 02:55
2. Fourteen 05:02
3. Three 03:47
4. Seven 04:35
5. Eight 04:36
6. Two Times (feat. John Garcia) 04:50
7. Thirteen 04:14
8. One 04:15
9. Six 03:50

2014 - Arch Stanton
Karma to Burn 77291
01. Fifty Seven
02. Fifty Six
03. Fifty Three
04. Fifty Four
05. Fifty Five
06. Twenty Three
07. Fifty Eight
08. Fifty Nine
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