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 Lord Belial

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metal head
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Join date : 2024-07-07

Lord Belial Empty
PostSubject: Lord Belial   Lord Belial Icon_minitimeSat Sep 14, 2024 4:19 pm

Rapture (2022)

Lord Belial 153945-Lord-Belial-Rapture

01. Legion 03:30
02. On a Throne of Souls 05:21
03. Rapture of Belial 06:23
04. Destruction 03:49
05. Belie All Gods 05:05
06. Evil Incarnate 04:45
07. Lux Luciferi 05:27
08. Infinite Darkness and Death 06:40
09. Alpha and Omega 04:27
10. Lamentations 04:26


The Black Curse (2008)

Lord Belial 30465_lord_belial_the_black_curse

1. Pazuzu - Lord of Fevers and Plague 03:49
2. Trumpets of Doom 05:10
3. Sworn 04:18
4. Inexorable Retribution 04:46
5. Antichrist Reborn 05:16
6. Primordial Incantation 06:08
7. Devilish Enlightenment 05:26
8. Ascension of Lilith 07:11
9. Unorthodox Catharsis 05:30
10. Soul Gate 04:54


Revelation - The 7th Seal (2007)

Lord Belial 6859_lord_belial_revelation_the_7th_seal

1. 7th Seal 00:46
2. Ancient Splendor 03:13
3. Aghast 03:52
4. Death as Solution 04:05
5. Unspoken Veneration 03:47
6. Death Cult Era 03:51
7. Vile Intervention 05:22
8. Gateway to Oblivion 04:21
9. Unholy War 05:00
10. Black Wings of Death 05:04
11. Grievance 03:01


Nocturnal Beast (2005)

Lord Belial 6858_lord_belial_nocturnal_beast

1.The Invocation Of The 68'th Demon (Intro)
2.Succubi Infernal
3.Demonic Possession
4.Desolate Passage
6.Insufferable Rituals
7.Monarchy Of Death
9.Spiritual Damnation
10.Indoctrination Of Human Sorrow
11.Deathmarch (Outro)


The Seal Of Belial (2004)

Lord Belial 6857_lord_belial_the_seal_of_belial

1. Prolusio: Acies Sigillum 03:18
2. Sons Of Belial 06:30
3. Chariot Of Fire 05:12
4. Abysmal Hate 06:38
5. Legio Inferi 05:50
6. Mark Of The Beast 06:36
7. Armageddon Revelation 06:13
8. Scythe Of Death 07:26


Angelgrinder (2002)

Lord Belial 6853_lord_belial_angelgrinder

1. Dominus Bellum (Intro) 00:48
2. Angelgrinder 05:36
3. Satan Divine 04:00
4. Burn The Kingdom Of Christ 03:55
5. Unrelenting Scourge Of War 08:33
6. Wrath Of The Antichrist Horde 03:03
7. Ungodly Passage 03:45
8. Kingdom Of Infinte Grief 05:11
9. Odium Vincit Omnia (Outro) 02:47


Unholy Crusade (1999)

Lord Belial 6851_lord_belial_unholy_crusade

1. Summon the legions
2. Unholy Crusade
3. War of hate
4. Lord of evil spirit
5. Death is the gate-mors iannua vitae
6. Bleed on the cross (re-recorded)
7. Divide et impera
8. Master of destruction
9. Night divine
10. And heaven eternally burns (Realm..... Part II)


Enter The Moonlight Gate (1997)

Lord Belial 6850_lord_belial_enter_the_moonlight_gate

1. Enter the moonlight gate
2. Unholy spell of Lilith
3. Path with endless horizons
4. Lamia
5. Black winter blood-bath
6. Forlorn in silence
7. Belial- Northern prince of evil
8. Realm of a thousand burning souls (part I)


Kiss The Goat (1994)

Lord Belial 6849_lord_belial_kiss_the_goat

1. Hymn Of The Ancient Misanthropic Spirit Of The Forest
2. Satan Divine
3. Grace Of God
4. The Ancient Slumber
5. Into The Frozen Shadows
6. The Art Of Dying
7. Osculum Obscenum
8. Mysterious Kingdom
9. In The Light Of The Fullmoon
10. Lilith - Demonic Queen Of The Black Light


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