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 Axel Rudi Pell

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PostSubject: Axel Rudi Pell   Axel Rudi Pell Icon_minitimeTue Sep 17, 2024 10:33 am

The Ballads Comp. (1993)

Axel Rudi Pell 3542

1. You Want Love (4:33)
2. Forever Young (4:10)
3. Dreams of Passion (4:35)
4. Your Life (Not Close Enough to Paradise) (5:07)
5. Tearin' Out My Heart (6:04)
6. When a Blind Man Cries (4:38)
7. Broken Heart (demo version) (5:07)
8. Open Doors, Part 2: The Journey (2:28)
9. Falling Tears (4:41)
10. Broken Heart (guitar version) (3:46)


The Ballads II Comp. (1999)

Axel Rudi Pell 3548

1. Come Back to Me (6:53)
2. Broken Heart (5:36)
3. The Clown Is Dead (4:52)
4. Oceans of Time (7:47)
5. I Believe in You (6:11)
6. Ashes From the Oath (9:38)
7. Silent Angel (guitar version) (4:12)
8. The Eyes of the Lost (7:05)
9. Innocent Child (5:28)
10. Silent Angel (5:18)
11. Hey Joe (6:47)


The Ballads III Comp. (2004)

Axel Rudi Pell 3554

1. Don't Say Goodbye (5:41)
2. Forever Angel (acoustic) (4:32)
3. The Temple of the King (6:36)
4. Heartbreaker (6:42)
5. The Line (7:42)
6. Sea of Evil (8:27)
7. The Curse of the Chains (1:27)
8. All the Rest of My Life (8:05)
9. Forever Angel (6:02)
10. The Temple of the Holy (7:40)
11. Under the Gun (6:48)


The Ballads IV Comp. (2011)

Axel Rudi Pell 54467

1. Where The Wild Waters Flow
2. Holy Diver
3. Hallelujah
4. Northern Lights
5. Noblesse Oblige (Opus #5 Adagio Contabile)
6. Love Gun
7. Glory Night
8. In The Air Tonight
9. Touching My Sou
10. Like A Child Again
11. No Chance To Live
12. Haunted Castle Serenade (Opus #4 Grazioso E Agresso)
13. The Curse Of The Damned


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