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 King Diamond

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Join date : 2024-07-07

King Diamond Empty
PostSubject: King Diamond   King Diamond Icon_minitimeTue Sep 17, 2024 12:24 pm

Abigail In Concert 87' (1991)

King Diamond 951

1. Funeral (1:56)
2. Arrival (5:47)
3. Come to the Sabbath (5:42)
4. The Family Ghost (4:25)
5. The 7th Day of July 1777 (4:26)
6. The Portrait (4:47)
7. Guitar Solo (Andy) (3:19)
8. The Possession (4:08)
9. Abigail (4:27)
10. Drum Solo (3:25)
11. The Candle (6:01)
12. No Presents for Christmas (4:21)


Deadly Lullabyes (2005)

King Diamond 2665

Disc 1
1. Funeral (2:36)
2. A Mansion in Darkness (4:38)
3. The Family Ghost (4:35)
4. Black Horsemen (8:02)
5. Spare This Life (1:40)
6. Mansion in Sorrow (3:52)
7. Spirits (5:17)
8. Sorry Dear (1:06)
9. Eye of the Witch (4:23)
10. Sleepless Nights (5:41)

Disc 2
1. The Puppet Master (5:50)
2. Blood to Walk (5:50)
3. So Sad (4:41)
4. Living Dead (Outro) (1:41)
5. Welcome Home (5:50)
6. The Invisible Guests (5:33)
7. Burn (4:37)
8. Introductions (1:41)
9. Halloween (5:39)
10. No Presents for Christmas (6:48)

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